Apparently, cats have a long history in the U.S. navy, dating back thousands of years.
According to this the U.S. Naval Institute, it's likely that the ancient Egyptians were the first to realize the benefits of cats as shipmates. The furry helpers would rid the ships of rodents; otherwise they could easily be overrun with rats and mice (bad news).
Some sailors even believed their feline friends brought good luck. Others just liked to have something to cuddle. I don't quite agree with the good luck belief -- but I can definitely understand the need to cuddle with a kitty while away at sea (I'm sure our Navy veteran, M, can definitely empathize with this!).
Check out the site for some more adorable pictures.
The second initiative to make Amos a new happy, healthy kitty is to get those teeth fixed up!
Dr. Duke, Amos' vet, was concerned that he may be getting gingivitis. In an effort to prevent a $400 bill to have them clean his teeth (which requires putting the poor guy under) I am courageously trying to brush his teeth myself...regularly.I went to the pet store and purchased a kit (I did not even know these existed).
He didn't love me prying his teeth apartment and rubbing on his gums and teeth with a big blue plastic finger with white paste on it... but he didn't bite my hand off!
I told him it will just be something he'll have to get used to.