The Contagious Desire to Talk About All Things Cats

Sunday, August 15, 2010

No more spilled water

Recently, Amos decided he couldn't drink out of his water bowl anymore without spilling it all over the floor. After about two weeks of sopping up the mess every day, we came up with a solution: fasten a bowl to a table leg with a C-clamp.

Though he still tries with all his might, Amos just can't seem to tip the bowl over anymore.

One caveat to this ingenious solution: toes have been stubbed more than once on the clamp. Ow!

- H

1 comment:

  1. Smudge did that for a while too. I finally had to give up on a regular bowl and get one that is wider at the bottom; one that is impossible to tip over. After a while (and by a while, I mean years) of using only those kinds of bowls, now I can use a regular one and he doesn't try to tip it over anymore. But I like the c-clamp idea, very ingenious! And gives Amos something to do with his time.


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