Overheard tonight was an argument between the couple that lives below me about who makes the decisions about the cat.
The female member of this couple was yelling at her man that, as she is the owner of the cat, she gets to make all the decision regarding the cat. "My cat. My rules."
I wanted to yell out, "You go, girl!" But, then I started thinking about situations in which the non-owner cohabitant should have some say in decisions cat related.
For instance, what if the cat made the other partner's underwear drawer its sleeping nest? Shouldn't the other party be able to limit the cat's access to certain things?
Or, what if the cat suddenly started spraying all over the home? Shouldn't the other partner be able to punish the cat (as if that would actually mean anything to the cat) or remedy the situation in some fashion?
Sure, there are situations in which the other party should have a say. But for the most part I would have to agree. "My cat. My rules."
- M
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